Julian Fred

Seven tips for get better email deliverability

Email marketing is the most powerful tool for reaching your prospects and customers online.
But what's the point if your email messages aren't getting into your prospect's inbox?

Aweber had been showing funky stats with regards to opens and click-thru rates, so I knew something was wrong with our email deliverability.

I was starting to think that our email messages were ending up in the promotions tab in Gmail or worse the junk box.

So I've been trying to be pro-active in getting our emails to hit the inbox by better understanding the email universe.

I've learned a lot and below are some tips that will help you get better email deliverability.

1. If your email messages are going to the spam folder, encourage your readers to click the "Not Spam" button to get back into the inbox (in fact, if you are seeing this very email in your spam folder, please click "not spam").

2. Ask your readers to mark your messages as important for better deliverability.

3. Remove subscribers who are not opening your messages after a long period of time (i.e. one year).

4. Ask readers to reply to your initial emails so that email providers see a "conversation" occurring (conversations don't look like spam)... heck even reply to this email to help me out. 

5. Add an SPF (Sender Policy Framework) to your domain records for better deliverability.

6. Use curiosity laden subject lines to get better open rates (opens indicate engagement).

7. Ask subscribers to white-list your email address by adding it to their contact list.

Hope these tips help you get better email deliverability 
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